Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Off-Shore Drilling in Cuba

Gazprom, a Russian energy giant, has recentlty joind a slew of other companies to begin searching and drilling for oil off the coasts of Cuba. The article states:

"Cuba produces little oil now, but petroleum experts say the country’s northern coastal waters could hold plentiful reserves, which could help revive the island’s economy and ease its dependence on oil imported from Venezuela."

Because of this possible economic boom, Cuba has willing signed contracts with half a dozen oil companies to begin drilling as soon as next year. But, because of a 48 year-old oil trade embargo on the United States, The U.S. is unable to drill and more importantly, might not be able to aid the foreign companies if there is an oil spill which could be as close as fifty miles off the coast of Florida. Ocean scientists say that if there is a spill it, "could send oil spewing onto Cuban beaches and then the Florida Keys in as little as three days." I believe because of this possibility alone, drilling off of Cuba is a bad idea. Our planet has become too dependent on fossil fuels. Instead of investing money in looking for oil and increasing pollution, we need to put more money and effort into finding clean, alternative sources of energy. But, in the end Cuba, a struggling country, Is going to do anything to improve their economy and make a quick buck. 

North Korea Needs Aid

   As of now North Korea is in desperate need of food aid from the United nations and South Korea. Although North Korea has had a decent autumn harvest, they desperately need food, especially for their women and children. The article states:

"But even in the best of years, North Korea is unable to feed itself. Government food distribution provides only half the necessary daily calories," the report says.

   No matter what North Korea needs assistance from anyone they can get it from. The worst part about this is that due to lack of foreign currency and credit, agriculture is “the main contributor to the national income" in North Korea. With a nine percent drop in the countries Gross Domestic Product, the economy and Government are suffering. And, due to the long term tension between North and South Korea, it is unlikely that the South will provide enough assistance to improve North Korea's status. As of now the children of North Korea are losing the battle of malnutrition, and it looks as though the United Nation's are the only hope for North Korea. Unless the UN drastically steps up its efforts, North Korea will continue to suffer.