Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Another Trajedy for Haitins

   Haiti, being one of the most poor nations in our world, was not only was devastated with a major earthquake but is now facing an outbreak of Cholera. This disease is transmitted through drinking water, some of the symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting. Many don't even know they have the disease and are spreading it to others. Denise Grady, the author of this article states:
"They can carry the bacteria for two weeks and shed them back into the environment, where they can infect others, which is most likely to occur when sanitation is poor and clean drinking water not available."
 Haitians that are infected with Cholera may be spreading to others with out any knowledge. Clean drinking water is not available tho the people of Haiti so the out break is bound to infect many. Grady states "As of Sunday, there were 3,015 known cases and 259 deaths in Haiti". This Infection is taking the lives of many and there is a possibility that it could travel outside of Haiti. It is a mystery how Cholera appeared, but there are many theories such as, "An infected person could have brought the bacteria in from another country, or it could have arrived in food or even on board a ship that discharged infected wastes into a local waterway. Once it landed, the squalid conditions were ideal for its spread". It is scary that this outbreak is happening and we don't know how it happened. The Haitians have already suffered a massive earthquake and now are trying to prevent themselves from getting this scary infection.

Mental Healthbreak

Controversy Over Prop 23

   For a while now, California and Texas have been battling over proposition 23 which would suspend the Global Warning Act in California until unemployment dropped from 12% to 5.5%. Supporter's of the proposition call it The California Jobs Initiative because it will ensure thousands of jobs for unemployed people in California. Opponents call the proposition The Dirty Energy Proposition because it will increase greenhouse gases and emissions in California. The article states that:

"Much of the financial support for the measure, which is on the ballot as Proposition 23, has come from Texas-based oil companies."
This means that Texas, especially the oil companies, are pushing very hard for this proposition because it will vastly increase their profits. So, creating in your face, strategically spun campaign advertisements are definitely going to occur. On the other hand, California is pushing back and the majority does not want proposition 23 to pass. Twisting the infamous Texas slogan, "Don't mess with Texas", California has created a slogan of their own to put down the proposition which is, "Don't mess with California." Among the tension between Texas and California are the candidates for Governor. The actions these candidates take in the battle of these states could make or break their campaign. I believe proposition 23 is a bad idea because it will increase pollution and emissions, something our state is trying to defeat.

Fuel Reductions and Emission Restricions On Heavy Vehicles In America

   Heavy trucks and buses are called the "energy hogs of America's roadways."As part of President Obama's plan to increase energy efficiency and lower atmospheric pollution, the Federal Government created a national emissions and fuel economy standards for heavy vehicles on Monday. The Administrator of The Environmental Protection Agency, Lisa P. Jackson states:

“Over all, this program will save $41 billion and much of it will stay home in the U.S. economy rather than paying for imported oil.”

   This plan for reducing the amount of fuel consumption and lower emissions in heavy trucks and buses is part of Obama's "bite-size" approach to global warming. Ms. Jackson also states that, "Heavy vehicles account for more than 10 percent of the nation’s overall oil consumption and about 20 percent of the greenhouse gases emitted by the transportation sector. Because fuel use by trucks and buses is growing faster than most other emissions that contribute to global warming, even relatively modest cuts in diesel consumption will pay large environmental benefits." This quote is saying that the fastest way to reduce pollution and fuel consumption as well as saving money in America is to put restrictions on heavy vehicles. It is a smart, simple idea that will jump start the Obama Administration's plan to lower pollution and increase energy efficiency. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pension Bill Causes Protest in France

   In Paris, union workers at twelve of Frances' refineries have been on a nine day, nation wide protest. The protest was sparked after a pension bill to raise Frances' pension age from 60 to 62 was proposed. Because of the strike the French Government has lost substantial amounts of money. The article states:

 "the protests had so far cost the country €200 million to €400 million, or $280 million to $560 million, in lost production every day."

   With the amount of production lost it would look as though the Government took a huge hit. Worker's across France have been holding out and it sounds as though productivity in the refineries and the ports is slim to none. "In Marseille, France’s biggest port, striking port workers and garbage collectors left dozens of oil tankers idle at sea and nearly 9,000 tons of trash piled up in the streets. But, despite these implications, Finance Minister Christine Lagarde says,“We came out of the crisis in fairly good shape and we should not be slowing the recovery.” It seems as though the Government and the worker's of France are making progress in reaching a compromise.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mental Health Break

    It is incredible what some people are willing to do for some cash! Juan Rodriguez, aka  the "Obama Streaker" is a perfect example of "dumb as we want to be". Although this mans stupidity is found hilarious, I  believe it makes our country look bad and as if we don't take anything seriously. It makes us look like we do not respect our president and we will run around naked for money.. Is this how we want America to be perceived?

Miners Resqued

   After two months of devising a rescue plan and the right way to execute it, the Chilean government was able to hoist 33 miners out of a collapsed mine after 69 days of being trapped. Chilean President, Sebastian Pinera, was very adamant not giving up on these miners until every last one is safe. After the rescue Pinera states:

"I want to announce to the Chilean workers and the employers that we are going to make a new pact in which the life, dignity and protection of workers will be the focus of government concern."

   This quote from the President of Chile shows that the Chilean Government is for the people. I believe this act humanness from the government is a sign of hope for developing countries like Chile to have a fair government that will do anything necessary to save human lives. The rescue mission is estimated to have costed anywhere between 10 to 20 million dollars, a large amount for the Chilean Government. But, President Pinera says, "Every peso was well spent." It is stereotypical of people to believe that government's in developing country would not give an all out effort to save it's citizen's. So, these swift, bold acts of the Chilean Government and President Pinera are very honorable. President Obama called the rescue mission a, "tremendously inspirational story." This Mission can be called all but unbelieveable.

Russia's Modernization May Bring U.S. Prosperity

   Russian President, Dmitri Medvedev, is looking to modernize Russia. Medvedev hopes that with help, Moscow's school of business management, Skolkovo, will reflect California's Silicon Valley. Medvedev has called upon Arnold Schwarzeneger, who he considers as an innovator, for help. Schwarzeneger states:

“We want to do what we can as Californians and as Americans because it is in our interest to make Russia successful.We don’t see Russia as an enemy. We see Russia as our friend.”

   This quote sheds light upon our view of Russia, who in the past was an enemy of the United States. But, those thoughts are gone and it is our belief, Schwarzneger's specifically, that the modernization of Russia will benefit us as well. Russia is looked at as a "gold mine" for foreign investor's like google and other technology companies. Investment's such as these could possibly jump start the U.S. economy and help us start our long climb out of debt. If Russia is looked at as a possible money maker I am all for it's modernization. 

Is Climate Policy Still Alive?

   Although recently a cap and trade bill did not pass, alternative proposal's for climate policy are not out of the question. The alternative revolves around much better organized financing for clean energy research.
The article states that:

"On Wednesday, the reliably conservative American Enterprise Institute and the left-of-center Brookings Institution will release a joint proposal to increase federal spending on clean energy innovation to as much as $25 billion a year, from the currently planned $4 billion a year."

   This proposal also states that recipients of this money will only continue receiving funds if they are reducing the cost of clean energy. This proposal is a great idea because it ensures that new technology for cleaner, cheaper energy will be produced. It is said that the reemergence of cap and trade, which is the global increase in the price of carbon emissions, will not be until 2013 at the earliest, if at all. So as of now, this proposal to research for cheap and clean energy is looking like a solid option. Environmental economist, Micheal Greenstone says, "the death of cap and trade doesn’t have to mean the death of climate policy." Our climate is continuing to get worse despite what we have tried in the past. I believe it is detrimental to our climate and energy resources to act upon innovative thoughts such as this proposal. If we don't act now, will we ever?

Sludge Spill Spells Disaster

Just last week Zoltan Bakonyi, director of the Hungarian company linked to Hungary's red sludge disaster, was let out of custody due to lack of evidence of his involvement in the spill. The article states: 

"Nearly 200 million gallons of caustic red mud — a byproduct of the conversion of bauxite to alumina, for aluminum — poured out of a reservoir after part of a containing wall collapsed. The cascade killed eight people and injured hundreds. Hundreds more have been forced from their homes, and tens of millions of dollars in private property has been destroyed."

This statement shows how extreme this disaster was, as well as how easy Bakonyi was let off. First and foremost, the sludge spill killed eight people and injured hundreds more. It is unfathomable that Bakonyi wasn't charged for murder as well, on top of millions of dollars of restitution owed from the property damage. And, what can certainly not be looked over is the impact this spill has on the environment. This spill leaked 200 million gallons of toxins into a residential area. The effect it will have on the environment will be vast. And although the government is going to attempt to control this disaster, the spill cannot be reversed. Plant life and animal habitats in the area will be affected greatly, and people in the area are going to struggle greatly as well. Overall this disaster will have a large affect on the environment, and is going to put the government to the test as well.

My Results

   The Quiz

The following are your scores. They are based on a gradual range of 0 to 12. For instance, a Conservative/Progressive score of 3 and 0 will both yield a result of social conservative, yet 0 would be an extreme conservative and 3 a moderate conservative

Conservative/Progressive score: 7
You are a social moderate. You think the progressive movement is overall well meaning, but sometimes it goes too far. On issues like abortion and affirmative action, you see the negatives of both extremes on the issue. You probably value religion, but at the same time you think it should still stay separate from the government

Capitalist Purist/Social Capitalist score: 4
You are a Moderate Capitalist. You support an economy that is by and large a free market, but has public programs to help people who can't help themselves or need a little help. Pretty much you believe in the American economy how it currently is.

Libertarian/Authoritarian score: 8
You're a Moderate. You think that we all have certain inalienable rights that must be protected, but that sometimes laws need to be made to protect the majority's lives or quality of lives. You might think that the 2nd amendment isn't necessary anymore because letting everyone a gun is extremely dangerous to the community. You might also be against illegal drug use or public pornography because of its possible harmful effects to society.

Pacifist/Militarist score: 4
You're a Moderate. You think that in very rare occasions, the United States should invade a country in order to make the world better by spreading democracy or ending a tyrants rule. You also think that defense is very important, and we shouldn't lower the defense budget. You think that, while the Iraq War probably was a mistake, that we can make the world a better place by sticking with it and spreading democracy in the middle east.

Overall, you would most likely fit into the category of Moderate