Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Another Trajedy for Haitins

   Haiti, being one of the most poor nations in our world, was not only was devastated with a major earthquake but is now facing an outbreak of Cholera. This disease is transmitted through drinking water, some of the symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting. Many don't even know they have the disease and are spreading it to others. Denise Grady, the author of this article states:
"They can carry the bacteria for two weeks and shed them back into the environment, where they can infect others, which is most likely to occur when sanitation is poor and clean drinking water not available."
 Haitians that are infected with Cholera may be spreading to others with out any knowledge. Clean drinking water is not available tho the people of Haiti so the out break is bound to infect many. Grady states "As of Sunday, there were 3,015 known cases and 259 deaths in Haiti". This Infection is taking the lives of many and there is a possibility that it could travel outside of Haiti. It is a mystery how Cholera appeared, but there are many theories such as, "An infected person could have brought the bacteria in from another country, or it could have arrived in food or even on board a ship that discharged infected wastes into a local waterway. Once it landed, the squalid conditions were ideal for its spread". It is scary that this outbreak is happening and we don't know how it happened. The Haitians have already suffered a massive earthquake and now are trying to prevent themselves from getting this scary infection.

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