Thursday, September 23, 2010

Haitai Cry's For Help

   Since the devastating earthquake that shook Haiti to its core, 1.3 million people have been displaced from their homes. Haitian citizens are desperate for money, food, anything to improve their terrible situation. In a cry for help letter a Haitian woman Mary Jean Jean writes:

“I feel discouraged, I don’t sleep comfortably, I gave birth six months ago, the baby died, I have six other children, they don’t have a father, I don’t have work, my tarp is torn, the rain panics me, my house was crushed, I don’t have money to feed my family, I would really love it if you would help me,” wrote Marie Jean Jean.

   Haiti is one of the most poverty stricken nations in the world. Haiti has very little money even when times are good, so it is no shock that when disaster strikes, it strikes hard and repairing the nation is all but impossible without help. Haitians have no other options but to beg and ask for help by any means necessary. I believe that it is the duty of powerful, flourishing nations to provide any type of assistance to 3rd world countries such as Hatti. Haitians, although poor, are people just like the rest of us and should be helped in such a severe time of need.

Automoblile Corporations Step On Chinese Employees

   Big corporations have no respect for low level workers in their companies such as Honda, because they are extremely powerful and step on the little guy cause they can. Some of these workers get payed so poorly, they have to think twice about buying such small amenities like a bottle of water. A man in the video says that the Chinese are looked down upon, therefor they are payed less (120 dollars a month). Whats worse is that companies such as Honda expect more out of their workers and don't pay them a penny more including no overtime pay. This results in twice the output with no increase in pay, allowing Honda to make enormous amounts of money. But, after watching this video I look at the company, Honda, differently. Is this the image they want their buyers to see?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Can Energy Help Reduce Poverty?

     Energy is the source to everything, it is a part of our everyday lives. When a area lacks energy it is inevitable that the area will struggle. Because our world is so poverty stricken, it is easy to tell that we are low on energy and are not spending our money to obtain much needed energy. David Jolly states:
"Around 1.4 billion people lack electricity , overwhelmingly in rural areas, the report said, while 2.7 billion rely on traditional biomass to cook. In addition to contributing to deforestation in poor nations , traditional cooking fuels degrade air quality, causing serious health problems and premature deaths, the report says" David Jolly.
     People who live in poor areas lack electricity and energy for clean cooking facilities. This causes them not only to pollute, but it also forces them to put themselves in danger and possible deadly situations. Polluting by deforestation and emitting cooking fuels that degrade air quality are some of the negative affects of poverty. In recent years our nation has been striving to "Go Green", and yet we can't even supply energy to poor areas to try and clean our nation up environmentally and to spark a reduction in poverty in our society. If energy is the key to lowering the percentages in poverty, why aren't we spending our money accordingly? 

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Burning of the Koran Day: Statement or Stupid

There is a array of mixed emotions in America about the Muslim race since September 11th. Whether positive or negative, these emotions will remain for a long time. In Gainesville, Florida a Pastors outlook on Muslims is a very negative one. Pastor Terry Jones wants to burn the Koran on the anniversary of Sept. 11th. Cave and Cooper state:
"The pastor's announcement came after a personal appeal to him from  Defense Secretary Robert Gates and follows a growing chorus of demands, from President Obama to religious leaders, American generals and others, that he cancel the event planned for Saturday because of the potential impact on Christian-Muslim relations and the effect a Koran burning would have on American troops fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. Earlier in the day, President Obama said that the pastor's plan to burn the Koran  on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks was a “stunt” that violates American principles of religious tolerance."DAMIEN CAVE and HELENE COOPER.
     Just because someone has the right to do something does that mean it is the right thing to do? Pastor Terry Jones wants to burn the Koran on September 11 in spite of the Muslim race. But, broadcasting a movement such as this would result in the rest of the world looking at America in a negative light as well as adding even more danger to the war and our troops fighting in it. Jones' "stunt", as defined by President Obama, has the possibility to affect our troops, our principles and our country as a whole in a very negative way. I agree that the burning of the Koran will not solve anything and will only endanger our troops as a result.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Denmark, a Model Nation

Since 1985 it is clear that Denmark is on track to be a completely self sufficient nation with a stable economy. Tom Freidman writes:
" 'We decided we has to become less dependent on oil', Connie Hedegaard, Denmark's minister for climate and energy, explained to me. ' We had a huge debate on nuclear, but in 1985 we decided against it. We decided to go instead for energy efficiency and renewable energy. We decided to use taxation, so energy was made relatively expensive and [therefore] people had an incentive to save and do things in their homes to make them more efficient... It was a result of political will. ' " (p.18 , Hot, Flat and Crowded,  Tom Friedman).
 The result of Denmark's taxation on energy was a very good one. Not only did it improve Denmark's self sufficiency, it also drastically expanded their economy for the better. Denmark's economy has grown by 70% since the 1980's and they are no longer reliant on getting their energy form the Middle East. "In 1973 we got 99% of our energy from the Middle East, today its zero" states Hedegaard, Denmark's minister. This remarkable percentage change has changed their country in a positive way. I'm sure the citizens of Denmark were outraged by this tax increase, but it allowed them to be a fully self sufficient country with a flourishing economy. Wouldn't such positive statistics as these be enough to encourage our country to do the same? I understand our country is a lot bigger than Denmark's, but if we started taxing energy, it would be a step in the right direction. I'm sure our country's tax payers would be outraged but the outcome would be worth it. Bottom line our country is in a massive hole, we are getting deeper and deeper the longer we wait. Our attitude is "We'll get around to it when we get around to it" Friedman states. We need to take the necessary steps to get our selves back on track, and we need to do it now.

Cow Flatulence Creates Controversy

 The methane released by cows and other farm animals is greatly damaging our atmosphere by increasing its temperature. This controversial issue has put the large meat industries on the defense. Norimitsu Onishi states:
"At any given point, after munching and regurgitating grass, tens of millions of Australian cattle, as well as sheep, are belching methane gases nonstop into the air. With methane considered 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide in warming the atmosphere, the burping has given ammunition to environmentalists, vegetarians and other critics of beef while initially putting the large meat industry on the defensive." NORIMITSU ONISHI.
      When people hear that a cow fart takes a significant role in global warming, its somewhat hard to believe when in fact its 100% true. When cows burp and flatulate they release a gas called methane which is "considered 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide in warming the atmosphere" Onishi states. So what can be done about this? Mr. Kleive, an expert on bovine stomachs, states that Feed additives can lead to incremental decreases in methane. I think its good that something is being done about this and putting some effort into trying to decrease the amounts of methane being released into the atmosphere. At the same time this affects the meat industries because it gives beef critics a good reason to mount an attack on meat industries and attempt to significantly decrease the amount of meat being processed and packaged each year. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Save our Earth

   As evidence increases in the relationship between global warming and the affect green house gases have on global warming, many people are creating theories that are quite justifiable. Justin Gillis states:

"Theory suggests that a world warming up because of those gases will feature heavier rainstorms in summer, bigger snowstorms in winter, more intense droughts in at least some places and more record-breaking heat waves. Scientists and government reports say the statistical evidence shows that much of this is starting to happen." Justin Gillis  
    Our society is all about the saying, "the bigger the better." Our cars, houses, electronics and metropolitan areas are all of gargantuan stature. but, at what price? We continue to destroy the planet we live on with complete ignorance to the fact. As pollution increases and our natural resources diminish we find ourselves asking, what have we done? Can we spare our beautiful earth or is the damage irreparable? I believe there is still hope. But, our society needs to become more aware and proactive toward going green and helping restore our earth. There is only one earth, we need to preserve and protect it, not unconsciously tear it apart. 

Mosque by Ground Zero Moral?

After 9/11 our society is now more suspicious and may take great offense to anything and everything Muslim. Laurie Goodstein states:
"While a high-profile battle rages over a mosque near ground zero in Manhattan, heated confrontations have also broken out in communities across the country where mosques are proposed for far less hallowed locations."  LAURIE GOODSTEIN.
How would you feel if you lost a loved one in the 9/11 attack? How would you feel if after 9/11 you had to drive by a Mosque only a couple blocks from the place your loved one was murdered? There are many people in this situation who have a very good reason to protest against and express hatred toward the building of these mosques, especially the one by ground zero. I understand that freedom of religion is a right in this country. But does that mean its morally right to build this mosque so close to where Muslim's brought terror and death to our nation? Muslims do have their rights and they should be able to practice their religion as they please, but building a mosque so close to ground zero is morally wrong and may be labeled as offensive in the eyes of many Americans. I believe that the building of this mosque will only increase the fear and hatred towards the Muslim race. Why does the mosque need to be built so close to ground zero? The building of this mosque will negatively impact the peaceful co-existence between Americans and Muslims.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Expansion Through Technology

The Internet has affected our country in many ways.  Tom Friedman states:
"The third flattener was a quiet revolution in software and transmission protocols, which I call the 'Work Flow Revolution' because of how it made everyone's computer and software interoperable- thus enabling work to flow farther and faster through internal company networks, the Internet and the World Wide Web. Suddenly, so many more people could work together on so many different things" (p.30, Hot, Flat and Crowded,  Tom Friedman)
     Although the Internet has some bad qualities, it is our business, social, financial and knowledge acquiring connection in this technologically advanced society. The Internet has vastly broadened individuals capabilities to connect to one another. This has resulted in the extreme increase in size and speed of the business world. On top of this increase in speed and expansion, the Internet has an unlimited amount of options and uses. It allows so many people to work on a variety of different things as well as sharing it with each other for business as well as pleasure. With its seemingly unlimited options, the Internet is truly the mastermind behind the "Work Flow Revolution".

We have our rights for a reason..

     If  we were truly the land of the free we would have exercised our right to bare arms to the fullest and could have prevented this terrible event from taking place... 9/11. Our negligence towards the threat of terrorism as well as our ignorance for our personal protection led to the worst terrorist attack in the United States history. In my opinion, especially after this event has taken place, citizens of our nation should be more aware and proactive in protecting themselves by bearing arms and exercising their rights. I don't understand how our country did not foresee any type of attack. Why didn't we have a clue? We pride ourselves on our military defense, yet we had no idea this attack was coming. After 9/11 security tightened its grip. Why did we have to wait until after 9/11 to have such intense security? Why didn't we have this type of security in the first place? America is at the top of the food chain and will always have envious enemies. Our government should have foreseen an attempt to knock us off our throne and should have had the security we have now 10 years ago. Its a shame that it takes a tragic event like 9/11 to get society to be aware that our world is not a perfect place and bad things will happen in the future. We need to be ready for anything.

America, we need to get our groove back

America has lost its way, we are not the same country as we used to be. I agree with Tom Friedman who says:

"America has a problem and the world has a problem. Americas problem is that it has lost its way in recent years- partly because of 9/11 and partly because of the bad habits that we have let build up over the last three decades, bad habits that have weakened our society's ability and willingness to take on big challenges" (p.5, Hot, Flat and Crowded,  Tom Friedman).
We are perceived as the most powerful nation in the world. We are also intimidated and influenced easily from my perspective. AMERICA, we need to get our groove back. Just because we got attacked 10 years ago, it doesn't mean we shouldn't still be the happy strong nation that we used to be. "Bad habits that have weakened our society's ability and willingness to take on big challenges". What happened to the people that truly loved America and would do anything to save our country? We are influenced so easily and news these days are telling us to be scared. For example, when swine flu broke out the news was making it seem deadly and scared everyone, when in reality its just a more severe type of flu. We can not be a timid country and scared of things we hear from the media. We need to get back on track and start being the strong, structured nation that we were in the past.