Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Denmark, a Model Nation

Since 1985 it is clear that Denmark is on track to be a completely self sufficient nation with a stable economy. Tom Freidman writes:
" 'We decided we has to become less dependent on oil', Connie Hedegaard, Denmark's minister for climate and energy, explained to me. ' We had a huge debate on nuclear, but in 1985 we decided against it. We decided to go instead for energy efficiency and renewable energy. We decided to use taxation, so energy was made relatively expensive and [therefore] people had an incentive to save and do things in their homes to make them more efficient... It was a result of political will. ' " (p.18 , Hot, Flat and Crowded,  Tom Friedman).
 The result of Denmark's taxation on energy was a very good one. Not only did it improve Denmark's self sufficiency, it also drastically expanded their economy for the better. Denmark's economy has grown by 70% since the 1980's and they are no longer reliant on getting their energy form the Middle East. "In 1973 we got 99% of our energy from the Middle East, today its zero" states Hedegaard, Denmark's minister. This remarkable percentage change has changed their country in a positive way. I'm sure the citizens of Denmark were outraged by this tax increase, but it allowed them to be a fully self sufficient country with a flourishing economy. Wouldn't such positive statistics as these be enough to encourage our country to do the same? I understand our country is a lot bigger than Denmark's, but if we started taxing energy, it would be a step in the right direction. I'm sure our country's tax payers would be outraged but the outcome would be worth it. Bottom line our country is in a massive hole, we are getting deeper and deeper the longer we wait. Our attitude is "We'll get around to it when we get around to it" Friedman states. We need to take the necessary steps to get our selves back on track, and we need to do it now.

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