Thursday, September 9, 2010

Burning of the Koran Day: Statement or Stupid

There is a array of mixed emotions in America about the Muslim race since September 11th. Whether positive or negative, these emotions will remain for a long time. In Gainesville, Florida a Pastors outlook on Muslims is a very negative one. Pastor Terry Jones wants to burn the Koran on the anniversary of Sept. 11th. Cave and Cooper state:
"The pastor's announcement came after a personal appeal to him from  Defense Secretary Robert Gates and follows a growing chorus of demands, from President Obama to religious leaders, American generals and others, that he cancel the event planned for Saturday because of the potential impact on Christian-Muslim relations and the effect a Koran burning would have on American troops fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq. Earlier in the day, President Obama said that the pastor's plan to burn the Koran  on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks was a “stunt” that violates American principles of religious tolerance."DAMIEN CAVE and HELENE COOPER.
     Just because someone has the right to do something does that mean it is the right thing to do? Pastor Terry Jones wants to burn the Koran on September 11 in spite of the Muslim race. But, broadcasting a movement such as this would result in the rest of the world looking at America in a negative light as well as adding even more danger to the war and our troops fighting in it. Jones' "stunt", as defined by President Obama, has the possibility to affect our troops, our principles and our country as a whole in a very negative way. I agree that the burning of the Koran will not solve anything and will only endanger our troops as a result.

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